ScanRead - Our History
The history of ScanRead, ScanBuy, Scan2, Scan2Buy and Scan2Read.
- 1981 - Snowflake code is created by Electronic Automation Ltd.
- 1988 - Andrew Davies, while reading about TCP/IP and image analysis, thought of printing 2D black and white codes on paper and using computer scanners to direct someone to an online resource.
- 1992 - TWAIN is launched.
- 1994 - The QR Code was invented by Nippondenso ID Systems.
- 1995 - Andrew Davies develops own 1D barcode for encoding the basic characters needed for URLs and calles it "LineCode".
- 1995 - Aztec codes invented.
- 1996 - Andrew Davies develops LineCode reading software for the PC and TWAIN scanners, and calls it "ScanRead".
- 1997 - Andrew Davies changes ScanRead to support QR Code.
- 1997 - Andrew Davies creates software "ScanBuy"; an email based IOU system as a proof on concept for online purchasing of goods direct from printed catalogues.
- 1997 - First mobile phone is created with built-in camera.
- 1999 - PayPal was launched.
- 2000 - payENKRYPT starts to take shape.
- 2001 - Protx was launched.
- 2003 - DataMatrix codes invented.
- 2003 - Support for PayPal and Protx added to ScanBuy.
- 2004 - Port of ScanBuy code from PC TWAIN / desktop scanner based solution to web-based mobile phone solution.
- 2005 - ForBrains Ltd created to sell various web-based products.
- 2006 - Google launched Google Checkout.
- 2006 - Andrew Davies adds Aztec and DataMatrix support to ScanRead and then ScanBuy. The present 3 code design is born.
- 2006 - ScanRead & ScanBuy codes created for 4:3 & 16:9 television broadcasts.
- 2006 - Andrew Davies develops the concept of online bidding and bet placement via scanning of 2D barcodes.
- 2007 - The existing television broadcastable ScanRead & ScanBuy code design is ready for consumer use; now supporting all widescreen television formats.
- 2007 - Support added for Google Checkout to ScanBuy.
- 2007 - First UK TV broadcasts of ScanBuy codes.
- 2007 - Development of user friendly web-based GUI for ScanBuy.
- 2008 - domain name was taken so decided to rebrand using the term "Scan2" and plan to create dedicated product websites to cover our range of 2D barcode based solutions in the future.
- 2008 - Scan2Buy launched in web form for testing.
- 2008 - Scan2Buy released to the market.
- 2008 - Scan2Buy incorporated into three propriety eCommerce platforms and four Content Management Systems.
- 2008 - Scan2Buy first seen on London Underground event posters.
- 2008 - Scan2Buy used in the UK School Meal Sector.
- 2008 - Scan2Buy used for event tickets.
- 2009 - Scan2Read (now a cut down version of Scan2Buy) created to meet consumer demand in the UK.
- 2009 - Reached 10 million active codes (15/10/09).
- 2010 - Reached 50 million active codes (29/07/10).
- 2010 - Scan2Read used by book publisher for downloadable materials.
- 2011 - Heavily cut down version of Scan2Read released (10/05/11), free for personal use aimed towards Social Media and 2D barcode public awareness.
- 2015 - Reached 250 million active codes (03/09/15).
- 2014 - First used in Lithuania.
- 2016 - acquired for Enterprise version of Scan2Buy Tickets.
In Shrewsbury it's 3oC and haze. It's 12/02/25 11:36 GMT so local time in Shrewsbury is 12/02/25 11:36 with sunrise at 07:33 and sunset at 17:17. Visibility is currently 6 km and we have a 9.252 km/h wind NNE (020o). The humidity in Shrewsbury is 92% and the air pressure is 1021 mb.